long as there is breath in my body
I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth.”
Powerful electromagnetic fields exist
under overhead power lines. The cables carried on pylons
across the countryside often have potentials of four hundred
thousand volts or more. If you stand under such a line
you will often be able to hear a rhythmic humming. In
damp weather you can hear the crackling as some of the
electricity discharges into the atmosphere.
Under the more powerful lines the fields will light up a fluorescent tube when
someone stands underneath the cables holding one end of the tube. ( Warning:
This is a potentially dangerous trick, so you should not try it yourself!).
At least one individual is on record who remembered enough school science to
erect a cable strung between two poles under a power line near his home, connected
the ends to his household supply and got free power until the authorities caught
up with him and sued him for stealing electricity! You do not need physical
connections to extract power from an electrical field.
The person with the fluorescent tube standing under the
power line also had electrical currents and voltages induced
in his body. This happens because the blood and other
body fluids conduct electricity and, as with any conductor
in a moving electric field, a current will be produced
in the body. You have seen how even the much lower voltages
of mains cables at home will produce this phenomenon and
you can demonstrate the effect using an earthed voltmeter
in the way described in the last chapter. Obviously the
effect will be much bigger directly under a pylon.
You can alarmingly demonstrate this induction effect
by parking a vehicle (the larger the better) under a power
line' High static charges will build up m the metal body
and because of the rubber tyres will only slowly be discharged
to earth. A large spark will be produced if you reach
out to touch the van.
Despite these obvious anct measurable effects, the official
position of the electric power companies has always been
that, party tricks excepted, there is no possibility that
even long-term exposure to high electromagnetic fields
can have injurious effects on health.
children wi-fi radiation warningMay 21 2007 However, too many people who live in houses under or
near power ipines complain of a variety of symptoms without
apparent cause for such assurances to be accepted without
question. Some feel perpetually lacking in energy. In
worse cases, they may feel nauseous or dizzy. The long-term
effects remain to be assessed, but when we remember the
findings of Nancy Wertheimer there appears to be at least
a possibility of a link with cancer and there is current
litigation in both Britain and the USA against power transmission
companies which, if successful, will result in enormous
damages being paid to affected families.
www.leyman.demon.co.uk/ 03_Facts_and_Figures.html

Cell Towers are popping up in everyone's backyard
these days. Although most of us fail to realize the
dangers involved in having these monsters looming
over our neighborhoods or even strategically placed
atop our schools or churches. Not only are we are
dealing with the issue of greed, due mostly in part
on the high demand for wireless communication, but
also something more sinister. As long as the demand
for wireless service continues, so will the need for
cell towers be. Do we understand were sacrificing
our health for the convenience of "wireless freedom"? |

EMF Dangers
Can electromagnetic fields (EMF) from power lines, home wiring, airport
and military radar, substations, transformers, computers and appliances
cause brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue,
headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress. nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness,
cancer and other health problems?
Watch the Video
2 EMF Dangers
Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State University
of New York believes it is likely that up to 30% of all childhood
cancers come from exposure to EMFs. The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) warns "There is reason for concern" and advises
prudent avoidance".
Watch the Video

3 EMF Dangers3
In a draft report issued in March 1990, the EPA recommended that EMFs
be classified as a Class B carcinogen -- -a "probable human
carcinogen and joined the ranks of formaldehyde, DDT, dioxins and
After the EPA draft report was released, utility, military and computer
lobbyists came down hard on the EPA. The EPA's final revision did NOT
classify EMFs as a Class B carcinogen Rather, the following explanation
was added:"
At this time such a characterization regarding the link between cancer
and exposure to EMFs is not appropriate because the basic nature of the
interaction between EMFs and biological processes leading to cancer is
not understood."
Watch the Video

BBC3 Investigates
Mobile Phone Masts - Part 3 of 3
BBC3 Investigates Mobile Phone MastsPart 3 of 3An unbelievable amount
of these high-powered masts are whacking out masses amounts of electromagnetic
radiation. Same frequencies microwaves use, but on a higher power level.Feeling
Watch the Video

Phone Dangers what they don't want you to see...
cell phones are dangerous you need protection from them
You don't have to suffer the harmful consequences of cell phone radiation.
The Next Generation RF3 Cellular Headset with AirCom2 Technology keeps
potentially harmful radiation AWAY from your head. Get one for your cell
phone today
Watch the Video

Phone Lies
The cell phone industry has been paying big bucks to keep the media from
exposing the truth about cell phones, and when the press does talk, they
send out media clips that twist the media back in the direction they wanted
you to see it. Your Health is being effected wheather you beleive it or
not. Watch as officials in various nations lie about electromagnetic radiation
Watch the Video

Cell Phone Radiation Test
Are you in Danger???
You can now buy the tester
Watch the Video

Phone War
The truth of cell phones has been buried by the industry, the health
officials and governments. Health effects from radiation exposure is
being allowed to continue
In only the past year, scientific knowledge about the mobile phone health
problem has doubled, even as efforts to suppress it have increased!
Watch the Video

phones cause serious health problems
The microwave radiation from mobile phones have harmful effects at intensity
levels far below the official safety threshold values . This is confirmed
by a considerable body of evidence.
Watch the Video

Dr. George
Carlo EMF Cell Phone Dangers Interview
TV Interview with Dr. Carlo (Campbell Live, TV3)Dr. Carlo talks about the
cell phone industry's marketing towards children and the epidemic projections
from cell phone use
Dr. George Carlo, former chief scientist of the $28 million research into
cell phone safety, talks about his alarming findings.
Watch the Video

Radiation with Louis Slesin ECU #519
Dr. Louis Slesin, editor and publisher of Microwave News, a pioneer in
exposing the dangers of electromagnetic fields, points to the sources of
EMF-- from power lines to electric blankets to cellular phones -- and describes
the efforts by industry to downplay the effects of EMF and outlines past
and current research.
Watch the video
All of these effects have been shown in multiple studies for cancer and
miscarriage, neurological and cardiac effects. The results are totally
consistent with EMR being genotoxic, but also interfering with the body's
natural telecommunication system. The brain is particularly sensitive
because it is very electromagnetically active as is shown by the EEG,
and the brain communicates with the organs and the cells of the body
using enzymes, hormones and ion currents for example. More than sixteen
studies show that EMR across the spectrum reduces human melatonin levels.
Melatonin is a potent antioxidant, and maintains the health of the immune
system. Reduced melatonin is associated with aging, sleep disturbance,
chronic fatigue, arthritis, diabetes, and also with cancer, miscarriage,
cardiac and neurological disease and death.
Dr Neil Cherry
Watch A Video on this subject

Worried About High Tension Power Lines
Residents near Sydney staged a dramatic demonstration of EMF concerns
by lighting up fluorescent lightbulbs - unplugged - underneath power
lines. (Sydney 7 News)
Fluorescent tubes light up by themselves under hi-volrage wires, dogs
die of cancer, etc.
Watch the Video

Poison? Detecting Dangerous Levels of Radiation
Investigative Report: Sam Houston
Energy Cooperative, or SHECO, - an energy cooperative
servicing East Texas - is accused of questionable
business decisions and tactics. This investigative
report is part of one man's quest to find answers.
In this installment of Investigative Report, George
H. Russell illustrates how much radiation electrical
power lines can emit and how dangerous this can
be for the community.
Watch the Video

Hearing: Ann Emersen\'s 2nd Testimony
Ann Emersen indicts the ATC and the PSC for covering up evidence of the
dangers posed by transmission lines.
Watch the Video

Public Hearings: Don Moriva
Don Moriva explains the dangers of high tension lines, including reduced
melatonin production.
Watch the Video

Are Xrays and Cat Scans exposing people to too much Radiation that trigger
cancer and emf sensitivity? One Cat Scan = 300 to 400 XRAYS. A special
report done by a Canadian woman on a quest to find the answers. Clip
from Radiation Roulette, aired on Passionate Eye, CBC 2005
Watch the Video

Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation - PART
1 Propaganda
Attempt to argue away the dangers of nuclear radiation, with some excellent
animation.Have no fear Nuclear Radiation can't be that bad, You are better
off with mutated kids anyways!Pretty amusing and alarming detailing of
what puportedly Radiation can and cannot do to you. You see, It's not
the radiation that won't kill you, it's the blast! So stop worrying about
it, go outside 3 minutes after the blast and eat all you want! Don't
read those (great) newspaper ads warning about radiation! Don't listen
to the radio! And don't worry about your hair, it'll grow back, and besides,
you can always wear a toupee! Pretty amazing.The naration is alternately
patronizing and clueless, making this a highly amusing example of 50s
cold war propaganda.
Watch the Video

Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation - PART
2 Propaganda
to argue away the dangers of nuclear radiation,
with some excellent animation.Have no fear Nuclear
Radiation can't be that bad, You are better off
with mutated kids anyways!Pretty amusing and alarming
detailing of what puportedly Radiation can and cannot
do to you. You see, It's not the radiation that
won't kill you, it's the blast! So stop worrying
about it, go outside 3 minutes after the blast and
eat all you want! Don't read those (great) newspaper
ads warning about radiation! Don't listen to the
radio! And don't worry about your hair, it'll grow
back, and besides, you can always wear a toupee!
Pretty amazing.The naration is alternately patronizing
and clueless, making this a highly amusing example
of 50s cold war propaganda.
Watch the Video

children wi-fi radiation warning
A Welsh radiation expert has warned of the dangers posed by wireless
internet technology to sleeping children.The fears come amid claims that
so-called "wi-fi" internet connections in schools could damage
Watch the Video

and Breast cancer
According to recent statistics, breast cancer in Australia effects one
in 14 women, kills one in 27 and is increasing at a rate of 3% annually.
In 1987 Stephens et al. in the paper, Electric
power use and breast cancer; a hypothesis, suggested
that electromagnetic fields (EMF's) reduce melatonin
production by the pineal gland and that melatonin
suppresses the development of breast cancer. (
3 ).
Interesting article
Watch the Video

Dutch researchers recently studied
72 radiation exposed volunteers in laboratories
that used both the "traditional" and
the new high-tech cell phones without telling
them which type of radiation they were being exposed
Of the 72 people who participated in the
study, half experienced nausea, headaches and
a tingling sensation from the radiation level
of the new cell phone towers. The radiation
level from those traditional cell phone towers
brought no noticeable physical effects.
Researcher Maarten Lortzer said the findings "were
very unexpected. It means that there are a whole
lot of other questions coming up."
The research team now wants to know if the
old towers are replaced with new ones to service
the popular new phones, what will it do to people
living in the neighborhood.
Rowen MD Discuss the Harmful Effects of EMF
Dr. Robert Rowen, MD is internationally known for his work in the field
of complementary, alternative and integrative medicine. He is known ...
all » as the Father of Medical Freedom for his efforts to legalize
alternative medicine in 1990 in Alaska.
The rare medical freedom he enjoyed in Alaska
enabled him to greatly expand his knowledge and
experience in a multitude of disciplines and therapies
not normally found in medicine
Watch the Video


Penetration of Cell Phone Radiation in Children!
Jun 01
Last April, while corporate “news managers” were guiding
the attention of Americans elsewhere, a London newspaper reported on “What
Cell Phones Can Do To Youngster's Brain In 2 Minutes”.
It turns out that a call lasting just two minutes
can open the “blood-brain barrier” in
kids as well as adults, allowing toxins in the
bloodstream to cross this blood vessel gateway
into the skull and attack brain cells. The same
two-minutes cell phone exposure also disrupts
the natural electrical activity of a child's brain
for up to an hour afterwards.
“Leading medical experts now question whether
it is safe for children to use mobile phones at
all,” reported the Mirror. “Doctors
fear that disturbed brain activity in children
could lead to psychiatric and behavioral problems
or impair learning ability.”
Watch a Video on this subject

Celphone tower
towards rest home
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the towers
and mobile telephones affect living cells. A study
earlier this year published in the International
Journal of Oncology suggests that mobile phone users
have a 30 percent risk of brain tumors that occur
close to the year used for phone listening.
Earlier studies show that leukemia cells begin
growing dramatically during exposure to mobile phone
Nematode worms in the earth around the base of
towers release stress hormones, grow larger than
normal and produce more eggs; a natural sign that
the creatures are threatened by the radiation.
The cell phone companies have since come out with
new studies that show that public health is in little
or no risk of danger from cell phone radiation exposure.
a Video on this subject
